Thursday, 30 May 2013

Boards of Canada - Reach for the Dead

Artist: Boards of Canada
Track: Reach for the Dead
Album: Tomorrow's Harvest (2013)

Boards of Canada (commonly abbreviated BoC) is a Scottish electronic music duo consisting of brothers Michael Sandison (born 1 June 1970) and Marcus Eoin (born 21 July 1971).[2] They have released several works on Warp Records with little advertising and few interviews, while also having an elusive and obscure back-catalogue of releases on their self-run Music70 label. They have also recorded at least four tracks under the alias group name, Hell Interface.

Boards of Canada's latest album entitled 'Tomorrow's Harvest' is set to be release on 5 June 2013 in Japan, 10 June 2013 in Europe, and 11 June 2013 in the United States.
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