Thursday, 26 April 2012

Gultskra Artikler - Bojestvo

Artist: Gultskra Artikler
Track: Bojestvo 
Album: Abtu Anet (2012)

Gultskra Artikler is a project of Alexey Devyanin. Gultskra Artikler comes from Novosibirsk, Russia, and now bases in Moscow. His art absorbed the feeling of the inclement winters and endless snow-white landscapes.

Neo-folk cyber-psychedelia. Gultskra’s music is always the unique mixture of brutal and honest vibes of mysterious Siberian soul and hi-tech technologies, some unpredictable electro-acoustical and avant-garde instrumental movements and precision electronical manipulations, strange field recordings.

 Read my review of Abtu Anet over at The Silent Ballet, listen here and buy here.

Gultskra Artikler are Twitterless...